Tabb Lakes Board of Directors
Draft Meeting Minutes, March 14, 2004

The March board of director's meeting of the Tabb Lakes Homes Assn was held tonite at the home of Ellis Sharadin, 135 Leslie Lane at 7pm.  Attending were:  Darrell Harris, President; Ellis, Vice-President; Bill Hopkins, Mbr-at-Large; Teresa Sharkey, Welcoming Committee; Lou Lafrenaye, Stormwater Committee; and Charles Rossi, Treasurer.

Old Business:

1. The draft meeting minutes from February were corrected and approved unanimously.

2. The Secretary's position, vacated by Matt Creelman's departure, remains unfilled.  It was advertised in the latest Newsletter, and BOD members and committee chairs will be asked to contact members and neighbors to see if we can get a volunteer to serve out Matt's remaining term.

3. Lake Survey:  Williamsburg Environmental Group (WEG) recently began surveying lake depth on Lake 2 by boat. Special thanks go to Lou Lafrenaye for notifying the homeowners either side of the Commons Area to expect boat acitivity.  Lou will check with WEG this week to see if they have an estimated completion date. 

New Business:

1. On a sad note, this evening we were informed that member-at-large John Ricci has been diagnosed with lung cancer, has gone through his first session of chemo, and will have to vacate his position on the BOD.  Ellis will take care of sending John a card from the Association.  The result of John's departure is that we will now have two vacancies on the Board.  We will increase our advertising for replacements by putting it on the TLHA website (Action: Clint Flanagan) and advertising on the HOA signboards at the entrances (Action: Charles Rossi).

2. Financing for Lake dredging:  Darrell raised the possibility of seeking a loan for the dredging work, and then using an annual assessment to pay the loan off, which would make it easier for the homeowners to afford than having to come up with their share in one billing. After some discussion, the Board elected to delay action on the loan until after April, in order to have the dredging estimate in hand before talking to loan sources.

3. Fence at 103 Leslie Lane: this was a complaint from a homeowner about to move out of  Tabb Lakes.  Their neighbor had part of his fence damaged during Hurricane Isabel, but hasn't repaired it. Instead, he erected chicken wire fencing, which is illegal.  BOD chose to hand this case over to the Neighbor Relations committee for action.

Committee Reports

1. Neighbor Relations Committee (NRC):  Ellis read aloud some concerns sent from Joe Eubanks, chairman, couldn't be here tonite:

     a.  Joe announced that his committee will make siding and roof mold/mildew/repairs a priority issue in the coming weeks.  He also wrote an article and sent it to Alison for inclusion in the next newsletter.

     b.  Joe asked for the status of BOD efforts to install a community bulletin board near the Common Areas between the Lakes. Lou reported that York County has no funds available for these projects (even though James City County does fund these). Bill Hopkins offered to design and build a suitable, weather-resistant shelter for a community bulletin board.  Accordingly, he'll submit a materials estimate at the next meeting and once the BOD approves, will construct it with help from BOD members and volunteers. We hope to have it up by summer.

     c. The BOD was asked if we had received a response from the RV owner at 943 Tabb Lakes Dr. who has been parking it on the grass.  We have received nothing to date. Accordingly, Ellis will advise the NRC to send a second letter, Certified Mail, to have proof of the notice. If we haven't heard back by end of April, the NRC should arrange a visitation team to discuss the matter face-to-face with the homeowner.

     d. The NRC complained about the lack of beautification effort along Coventry Blvd, where it is backed up by houses on Richard Run.  Ellis has already sent Joe an email, explaining that this piece of land is not ours to maintain and beyond the funding guidelines of the homeowners association (HOA). Charles Rossi corrected Ellis when he explained this is not County responsibility, either, but belongs to VDOT for 45' each side of the boulevard centerline.  The BOD is, however, willing to sign off on a letter to VDOT, asking them to clean up the area, and Ellis will ask the NRC to draft a letter for Darrell's signature. It'll be sent to the Resident Engineer in Williamsburg.

2. Welcoming Committee: Teresa Sharkey provided the VP with an updated list of new residents.  She has provided 11 newcomers with welcoming packets this year and anticipates an increasing number of welcoming visits as new people arrive this summer.

3. Stormwater Drainage Committee: Lou Lafrenaye had no additional information to add concerning the Lakes. However, he did brief the BOD on the formation of CERT teams (Community Emergency esponse Teams) in the County.  County will provide volunteers with 3 hrs of training on Wed nites for 8 weeks, and certify them to assist in disaster preparedness training, be it from hurricanes or terrorist threats. The training is very good and will provide needed expertise to the county in event of major disaster events. Lou will ask our webmaster, Clint Flanagan, to provide information and a link from the Tabb Lakes website for volunteers to sign up.

4. Architectural Review Committee (ARC), Lakes, Neighborhood Watch, Traffic: no attendance/no reports.

Officer Reports

1. Vice President: no additional reports. As the temporary BOD Secretary until Matt Creelman is replaced, Ellis will be making up a notebook to save the Association Disclosure Packet Notices signed by our newest homeowners. This is our proof they know about the Covenant responsibilties of tenants.

2. Treasurer’s Report: Current budget, counting our Capital Reserve Account balances, is nearly $100K.  BB&T bank, where we changed accounts, needs proof or a statement from the HOA, showing we are a non-profit organization; otherwise, we will be unable to collect interest on our checking account. Darrell will provide the necessary documentation to preserve our status.  Darrell also reported the amount of money we're being charged by WEG for the lakes survey is $5800.

3. Member-at-Large: Bill Hopkins acknowledged that the "L" is missing on the Tabb Lakes sign at the Hundley Drive entrance. He will follow up to see how we can replace it.  He's also trying to locate the ship's symbol that used to hang on the entrance wall. If anyone knows the whereabouts of those pieces, please contact Bill.

4. President: Darrell asked members to talk up the Board vacancy with neighbors and submit the names of any interested parties. He also mentioned, based on comments submitted with the 2004 assessment paperwork, that he would approach a resident, Mr. Przybylski, about volunteering to join the Board. Mr. Przybylski charged the Board with showing favoritism, so perhaps a stint on the Board will give him an opportunity to ensure the board functions in an even-handed manner.

Our next BOD meeting will be held on April 18th at 7pm. Teresa Sharkey has graciously offered her home at 201 Heath Place for the meeting.


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