Tabb Lakes Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes, February 15, 2003

The February Board of Directors (BOD) meeting was held 7pm at the home of Darrell Harris, 106 Jonathan Junction.  Attending were Darrell, Bill Hopkins (member at large), Alison Johnson (newsletter), Clint and Shirley Flanagan (webmaster), Sandra Shaffer (neighborhood watch), Charles Rossi (treasurer), Joe Eubanks (neighbor relations) and Ellis Sharadin (V.P.).

Old Business:

1. Darrell showed proposed letter of acceptance to Williamsburg Environmental Group, asking WEG to conduct the 2nd environmental impact study of Lake 2 for sediment gains since the 2000 study. Motion to accept the letter and contract with WEG was made and passed unanimously. After the survey results are in, we will know the scope of the dredging requirements and can then put the project out for competitive bids to restore lake depth at the south end of lake 2 to the 21 ft MSL design specification that our builders failed to meet. We also intend to replace one small ditch on the Monty Manor side with culvert, in order to reduce the impact of a dead-water area where excessive sediment and leaves tends to build up.

2. Annual yard sale is now set for Saturday, May 1st, and will be in the newsletter., which is due out this coming week.

New Business:

1. Board Vacancy – Matt Creelman, BOD Secretary, has sold his home and is moving out of the neighborhood, leaving a BOD vacancy. We’ll be advertising the opening in both the newsletter and the Tabb Lakes website. We’ve also asked Matt to provide us with the draft meeting minutes from last month.

2. Sandra and Rob Shaffer have generously volunteered to co-chair the resurrected Neighborhood Watch committee. According to the Sheriff, the Watch works best with a 70% participation rate, which will be a challenge to achieve. Ellis will provide Sandra with a list of volunteers culled from the 2004 assessment notices and we’ll be advertising the need through the newsletter and website. All Board members have volunteered to take shifts.

Committee Reports

1. Clint Flanagan briefed us that York County may be hosting space on their website for neighborhood associations, which would make it easier for residents to access the site. On the other hand, it might lose some of the exclusivity inherent in having our own website. He’ll check into it more, and then we’ll make a decision whether to join our site with York County

2. Joe Eubanks still needs all committee and board members to assist him with building a list of neighborhood maintenance problems. If you see any on your street, please provide the address and discrepancy to him. Once the list is compiled, his committee can prioritize the list and seek remedies this spring.

Vice President:

Ellis inquired whether Rosemary Licare is still involved with selling copies of our Covenants, as he was told she no longer worked with it. However, Darrell assured the group that both he and Rosemary are valid sources for new-owner packets. Also, Ellis has agreed to compile the list of all volunteers for neighborhood committees (from the assessment receipts) and provide it to all committee heads to help man their committees.

Treasurer’s Report:

Charles Rossi provided the latest treasurers report, which indicates the association has nearly $100K for operations in 2004. $14,000 has been appropriated to the Lakes Contingency Fund, although this will not be enough to pay for future dredging requirements, which will require a special assessment to complete. Charles also pointed out that our check for Association insurance coverage has not been cashed yet by the insurer; Darrell promised to check on the status to make sure we have coverage. Finally, 79 homeowners still owe HOA dues for 2004. Of that, about 12 assessments had to be resent due to owner or address changes. Charles also promised to provide Darrell with end-of-year statements to permit completion of the tax return for 2003.

Member at Large:

Bill Hopkins briefed the Board that there is a report of a possible unregistered pedophile living on Leslie Lane. The individual is rumored to be 19 years old and may have been convicted as a minor. Bill will check out the status with the Sheriff’s Department to see if the name should be on the Sex Offender’s website listing. If so, we will not directly name the person, but will provide a link to that website from our association’s home page.


Darrell asked members to talk up the Board vacancy with neighbors and submit the names of any interested parties. He also mentioned, based on comments submitted with the 2004 assessment paperwork, that he would approach a resident, Mr. Przybylski, about volunteering to join the Board. Mr. Przybylski charged the Board with showing favoritism, so perhaps a stint on the Board will give him an opportunity to ensure the board functions in an even-handed manner.

Next BOD Meeting scheduled for 7 pm, Sunday, March 14th, at the home of Ellis Sharadin, at 135 Leslie Lane. As always, committee heads are invited to report on their activities and sit in on Board deliberations.

Submitted on 16 Feb 2004; (Adopted 14 Mar 2004):

Ellis Sharadin, Vice-President for
Darrell Harris, President Tabb Lakes Homes Assn.


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