Tabb Lakes Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes, December 15, 2003

1. The Board of Directors (BOD) of Tabb Lakes Homes Association met at 7pm at 135 Leslie Ln. Attending were Darrell Harris, Bill Hopkins, John Ricci, Matt Creelman, Clint Flanagan (Webmeister), Frank Grim (Lakes), Marc Okyen (Neighbor Relations) and Ellis Sharadin. Also in attendance were spouses, Sheila Harris, Betsy Ricci and Rosemarie Sharadin.

2. Old Business:

     a. Neighborhood Watch: Darrell sent letters to people who earlier indicated an interest in getting involved with security, inviting them to help re-form the Watch. Recent vandalism in the neighborhood has re-emphasized the need for this committee to become active again.

     b. Annual Assessments – now that an updated Master List of residents is out, we can plan for sending out the assessments letters by 1 January, with a suspense date of 31 January for residents to pay their dues in full.

3. New Business:

      a. Newsletter Editor – Darrell contacted at least 1 resident about helping get the Tabb Lakes newsletter started up again. With or without an official editor, our goal will be to put out a newsletter NLT 15 January 2004. Ellis remarked the new Neighbor Relations (former Covenants) committee feels the newsletter is an important avenue for educating residents about covenant responsibilities, as well as helping rekindle a sense of community. Darrell showed a letter, written by Joe Eubanks, co-chair of Neighbor Relations, which will probably be included in the newsletter to both introduce the new committee and begin educating new residents about their covenant responsibilities. We also intend to revitalize community events, such as the Bicycle Safety Day, to be run by Dave Otto this spring, which hopefully will entice more homeowners to get involved in Association activities.

      b. Christmas Decorating Contest – the BOD agreed again this year to award prizes separately for nighttime and daytime decorations. BOD members will individually provide Darrell with their top 3 choices in each category, and he will tabulate the results and arrange for the prizes, which (Ed. Note) need to be announced in the next newsletter. Suspense date for vote submission is 24 December.

4. Committee Reports:

      a. Frank Grim briefed the BOD on status of our Lakes Maintenance contract, which runs out at the end of the year. The BOD unanimously agreed to re-hire our current contractor, and execute the contract early to take advantage of a promised 5% discount. Frank also briefed the fountain pump failure on Lake 1, which is awaiting a repair estimate and is no longer under warranty. He also discussed an offer by VA Lake Management Co. to conduct quarterly pump service for a contract price of $1440 a year. The BOD elected to defer a decision while we look at other options, including a contract for annual service, or simply not taking out a preventive maintenance contract. We also discussed current high lake levels. Stormwater Committee chair, Lou Lafrenaye, has attributed it to excessive leaves and plant debris caught in the outflow pipe, and will be monitored by more-frequent checks of the outflow. No intentional damming of the outflow has occurred since Hurricane Isabel.

      b. Ellis introduced Marc Okyen, co-chair of the Neighbor Relations committee. Marc expects an Air Force-directed move by summer, but is enthused about working with Joe Eubanks to educate residents and gain better enforcement, which should improve property maintenance in Tabb Lakes.

5. Treasurer’s Report: No change. Current balance is $67,755; report is attached to the minutes.

6. Next meeting will be held at John Ricci’s house, 106 Elise Place, on Sunday, 11 January. The meeting broke up at 7:50 pm and attendees partook of holiday refreshments provided by the hostess, Rosemarie Sharadin.

Merry Christmas From The Board of Directors


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