Tabb Lakes Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes, August 18, 2003

The Board of Directors met at 504 Tabb Lakes Drive at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, 18 August. Present were: Darrell Harris (Pres.), John Ricci (Member-at-Large), Bob Ingram (Member-at-Large), Charles Rossi (Finances), Clint Flanagan (Website) and Ellis Sharadin (Secretary). Guest attendee was Mr. Lou Lafrenaye.

1. July BOD minutes were reviewed and approved after removing John Ricci's name as an attendee.

2. Old Business:

    a. The annual homeowners meeting will take place at Tabb High School on October 16, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. Darrell will take care of getting the announcement notice and a letter concerning lake issues out to the homeowners. We will have one vacant board position to fill this year, so a nominations committee will be required and Bob Ingram will be the chair. Other annual meeting responsibilities consist of: a) Charles will select and procure door prizes (not to exceed $150.00), b) Ellis will provide resident rosters, and c) Bob will provide voting ballots. Guest speaker will be Mr. Lou Lafrenaye with the York County Storm Water Management Committee.

    b. Last month, Mr. Thompson attended the BOD meeting in order to request an exemption from HOA rules regarding his boat. The exemption was denied and he was given several alternative solution to pursue. He sent information to this meeting indicating that he had decided to park his boat inside his garage, rather than building a parking ramp along side his residence.

3. New business:

    a. Letter to boat owner at 129 Gardenville: A motion was made to send the letter as written by John Ricci. Bob Ingram seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous to send the letter.

    b. Lake Committee: Frank Grimm submitted his resignation as committee chairman. He will stay on until the end of the year or a replacement is found, which ever is first.

    c. Lake issues:

       (1) The damming of Lake 1 and the creation of standing water in ditches created a lot of discussion. If the drainage pipe is not raised a certain amount, Lake 2 largely becomes mud flats. However, certain homeowners have taken it upon themselves to dam the drain pipe without permission. It was recommended that we ask the County to enclose the drain pipe with some type of locking cover to preclude unauthorized damming. Lou will arrange a meeting with the County.

       (2) It was decided that the time has finally arrived to dredge Lake 2. Darrell will meet with the Williamsburg Enviromental Group to have Lake 2 surveyed again and then begin preparations for dredging.

4. The next meeting will be held at Darrell Harris? residence, 106 Jonathan Junction, on September 22 at 7:00 p.m.

5. October meeting of all homeowners needs to be booked. We're looking at using the new YMCA meeting room, perhaps on the 2nd Tuesday in October. A decision will be made, and advertised to all residents, after the August BOD meeting.

5. The August BOD's meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

6. Meeting minutes submitted by Clint Flanagan for Ellis Sharadin.


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