Tabb Lakes Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes, June 7, 2003

The Board convened the meeting at the home of John Ricci on Elise Place, at 7pm. Board Members present included President Darrell Harris, Mbr-at-Large John Ricci, and Secretary Ellis Sharadin. Also present were the webmeister Clint Flanagan, and Lakes Committee chairman, Frank Grim

1. The Board approved prior meeting minutes from May.

2. Old Business:

a. When we last met, Lou Lafrenaye of Monty Manor, who is on the County Stormwater Advisory committee, was supposed to have met with Sheila Noll, County Supervisor, to give her a brief on our drainage situation. Darrell asked the Secretary to contact Lou and set up an after-action meeting for both of us to sit down with Lou and find out how receptive Sheila was to our problems.

b. Disclosure packets now include a SASE, to allow owners to notify the Association when new owners or tenants are about to occupy their old houses.

c. Frank Grim related that the County would be sampling our ditches to determine if the "mosquito fish" would be beneficial to controlling mosquitoes in Tabb Lakes. Frank said these fish are not a perfect answer because they're aggressive, and they tend to harm other game fish. Frank also advised the Board that, for those who have standing water in their ditches, it's worth the investment to buy "mosquito dunks", small donut-shaped insecticide floats that leave a coating on the water that defeats mosquito larvae growth. They sell for about $7 a half-dozen and last about 30 days, so they're a bargain and are even reusable if they should dry out. Frank intends to place an article in the TLHA newsletter, advising residents of this good product. F rank also said our lakes management company plans to reintroduce SONAR chemicals into the water to defeat the growth of "spiker rush", and advises all residents NOT to water their lawn for 40-50 days because it may kill the grass. Finally, Frank said the grass carp, mentioned in the May newsletter, will be replaced in the Fall, not over the summer.

3. New Business:

a. Ellis said he passed the names of some new residents to Theresa Sharkey for welcome packets, and reiterated his request that board members advise whenever a new resident moves in on their street.

b. Treasurer's Report: Darrell stated we are now down to 4 people who haven't paid 2003 dues. The value of our Capital Reserve Account funds has risen about $500 over the last month, thanks to the partial recovery of the stock market.

c. County HOA meeting is planned for 23 June at the York Library. Darrell and Ellis will attend. Please pass along any questions you'd like us to ask at the meeting.

4. Next meeting: tentatively will be held at Darrell's house on Monday, July 14th, on Jonathan Junction.

5. Minutes submitted by Ellis Sharadin. Send comments/edits/changes to Ellis at or contact by phone at 867-8816.

-- signed ----


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