Tabb Lakes Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes, May 12, 2003

The Board convened the meeting at 116 Richard Run at 7pm. Board Members present included President Darrell Harris, Mbrs-at-Large John Ricci and Bill Hopkins, and Secretary Ellis Sharadin. Also present were the treasurer, Charles Rossi, webmeister Clint Flanagan, and Lakes Committee chairman, Frank Grim.

1. The Board approved prior meeting minutes from April.

2. Old Business:

    a. The neighborhood yard sale was uneventful except for a couple of partly-blocked roads.

    b. Disclosure packets are now all in the hands of Rosemary Licare; price is $24.

    c. Meeting with Sheila Noll: the BOD discussed this at length. Darrell asked for volunteers to help in making preparations and plans to hold the meeting at the Tabb Library. Attendees are likely to be the TLHA as well as Coventry and Woodlake associations. Frank suggested we might share the briefing preparation with the other HOAs. He also stated that the pipes connecting Lake 1 and 2 (under Bridgewood) are ½ full of sediment and will need to be cleaned out before they become totally blocked. We're still shooting for a meeting date later in June.

    d. Darrell asked that, in future, we use his work email address to contact him with housing association matters:

3. New Business:

    a. Ellis asked the assemblage to assist in updating the neighborhood Master List by contacting him whenever anyone finds there is a new owner or renter on their street. In addition to updating lists, he will then pass new names on to Theresa Sharkey to arrange welcome packets.

    b. Treasurer's Report: Charles stated there are still 7 people who haven't paid 2003 dues; one person also owes for 2001 and 2002. We now have $25 K invested in tax-free municipal bond funds, with a current worth of $25.8 K.

    c. Darrell Harris asked Ellis to act on behalf of the Covenants Committee and send out letters to two persons who habitually block the street on Tabb Lakes Dr by parking in front of their houses. He promised to forward the affected addresses to Ellis.

    d. Lakes Committee Report, Frank Grim: Lake 2 fountain was repaired under warranty and is back in operation. Water tests in December had no significant results. There was a minor fish kill over the winter, probably due to low O2 content when the lakes were frozen over. He suggested a 10% restock of grass carp this fall, and will also look into the "mosquito eater" fish mentioned in a recent news article. Frank also said water level are still heavily disputed between Lake 1 and Lake 2 property owners. Continued tampering with water levels has made it impossible to satisfy all parties about lake height.

4. Next meeting: tentatively will be held at John Ricci's house on Monday, June 9th, at 106 Elise Place. Update email address for John to

5. Minutes submitted by Ellis Sharadin. Send comments/edits/changes to Ellis at or contact by phone at 867-8816.


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