Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Committee (NEPC)
Frequently Asked Questions

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (205 Monty Manor, 757-867-8333).

We provide Tabb Lakes residents with information about preparing for emergency situations and training opportunities that are available to the community. Within our capabilities, we may organize homeowners after an event such as a hurricane to help our neighborhood and assist first responders in our neighborhood when requested.

  • We are not a substitute for the York County's emergency management program or professional first responders.
  • We are not a substitute for the Red Cross, Salvation Army, or State and Federal support aid.
  • We will not provide nor store food, water or medicine for our neighborhood.
  • Emergency sheltering during a storm is provided by the County.
  • Individuals are responsible for preparing themselves and their families with the basic necessities appropriate for emergencies.
  • Individuals and their families are responsible for following the instructions from County and State emergency management officials before, during, and after an event.

We rarely hold meetings with our committee members. Most of the communications is through e-mail. The committee chair does send our information to committee members, especially before a major event like a hurricane to keep people advised of what we are doing in the neighborhood.

After an event such as a hurricane, we may ask members to volunteer to help assess the damage in the neighborhood and possibly help clean up roads and stormwater systems. Our level of assessment and assistance to our neighborhood will depend on the number of volunteers we can assemble and their level of training. Individuals with CERT training have more capability in this regard and can be an excellent asset for our neighborhood.

Although not required, we encourage all our members to complete the York County CERT training program.

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (205 Monty Manor, 757-867-8333) or check out other pages under this NEPC menu.

York County's CERT is a program to train individuals in basic first aid, light search and rescue, fire prevention, and disaster preparedness. The course is design to establish a core of trained volunteers in the neighborhoods that can meet the needs of their families and then their neighbors during an emergency or disaster.

To register for the CERT course, fill out the Registration Form and the Memorandum Of Understanding.   Class dates are posted.

It is recommended, but not required. The Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Committee welcomes all neighborhood volunteers.

Visit the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) website about building a family communications plan that includes an evacuation plan and coordinates with your school, work, and community communication plans. Practice this plan with your entire family. Ensure you have a disaster supplies kit on hand.

Visit the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) website about building a disaster supplies kitthat includes enough supplies for each family member for three days. Remember to check your kit every six months. Our website has links to other organizations that provide detailed lists of supplies you should maintain for you and your family.

  • Regional Information:
    • Tune to one of the local television and/or radio stations.
    • NOAA weather radio.
  • York County Information:
    • Live Stream on Cable: Cox channel 46, HD channel 86, & Verizon channel 38.
    • The internet at
    • WXGM-FM 99.1 (Should York County officially declare a local emergency for a disaster, tune to this station during its regular news broadcast on the hour to get the times when York County-specific disaster information will be announced.)
    • One of the neighborhood fire stations.
  • Tabb Lakes Neighborhood (and York County) Information:
    • The Tabb Lakes Neighborhood Action Center location is the location where neighborhood volunteers can assemble to plan out our activities after a major event. The plan is to decide the location prior to an anticipated disaster event; however, we plan that to be located at 205 Monty Manor.
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