About Our Program

The primary goal of the Tabb Lakes Neighborhood Preparedness program is to help our neighborhood prepare themselves and their families for disasters and emergencies. We try to provide a wealth of information and links to websites that advise how to prepare for events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, home fires, ice storms, power outages, and other events to help ensure your health and safety. Additionally, we provide information though our HOA quarterly newsletters and the community e-mail delivery system.

Secondary goals, to the extent possible and based on our Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training, are:

  • Organize volunteers to help our neighborhood after a major incident and
  • Provide support to professional First Responders in our neighborhood.

Our program is coordinated with and supported by the York County Department of Fire and Life Safety (YCFLS) Office of Emergency Management. The organization and planning for this program is based on the nationally developed CERT training program.

This is a VOLUNTEER program comprised of Tabb Lakes residents. It is only as effective as everyone’s involvement. There is no "guarantee" that we will be able to respond to our secondary goals.

Our program is not a substitute for the County’s emergency management program or County first responders. It is not a substitute for the Red Cross, Salvation Army, or State and Federal support aid. We do not store nor distribute food, water, or medicine for our neighborhood. Individuals are responsible to prepare themselves and their families appropriately for emergencies and follow the instructions from County and State emergency management officials before and after an event.


CERT training is highly recommended although not necessary for you to volunteer. This training will prepare you to help yourself, your family, and your neighbors in the event of a catastrophic disaster. More CERT information and training locations can be found in the training section of this web site.


© 2024 Tabb Lakes Homes Association