Neighborhood Emergency
Preparedness Committee (NEPC)


Mission Statement

Incorporate the lessons learned by the national Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and the York County Fire and Life Safety training programs to provide emergency preparedness information to our residents that would help ensure their health and safety during neighborhood critical incident events.

Specific Committee Duties:

  1. Provide Tabb Lakes residents with information regarding incident preparedness relating to home and family safety, including severe weather such as hurricanes, tornadoes, snowstorms, power outages, and other events that could impact our HOA members.
  2. Within the limited capabilities of our HOA members and available individuals with Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training, organize assistance to our neighborhood after a major incident event.
  3. Within the limited capabilities of our HOA members and available individuals with CERT training, assist York County First Responders in our neighborhood when requested.
  4. When possible, notify and update the Board of Directors (BOD) about the condition of the neighborhood during and after a severe incident event.
  5. Advise the Board of Directors (BOD) on general questions concerning safety and preparedness issues in the neighborhood.
  6. Serve as the HOA liaison with the York County Dept of Fire and Life Safety Emergency Manager.
  7. When the committee has available licensed ham radio operators with equipment, maintain a liaison with the York-Poquoson Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) Emergency Coordinator (EC). Test and conduct routine ham radio communications with the York-Poquoson ARES EC. Participate in local York-Poquoson ARES communication exercises.
  8. Keep accurate records of committee activities.
  9. Prepare an annual budget for the Emergency Preparedness Committee.
  10. Present a briefing on the Emergency Preparedness Committee activities at the Tabb Lakes Homeowner Association (TLHA) annual membership meeting.
  11. Attend all BOD meetings and present a committee report. If a BOD meeting must be missed, forward a committee report to the BOD.
  12. Surrender all committee correspondence, equipment, supplies, etc. to the BOD upon terminating Chair duties.
© 2024 Tabb Lakes Homes Association