Grounds Maintenance Committee

Specific Duties:

  1. Monitor performance of the grounds maintenance contractor.
  2. Advise the Board of Directors (BOD) on matters concerning the appearance of the common areas and ways to enhance or maintain these areas.
  3. Monitor the status of the sprinkler system at the Route 134 entranceway and take action to repair the system when necessary.
  4. Keep accurate records of coordinator activities.
  5. Prepare an annual budget for Grounds Maintenance.
  6. Present a briefing on Grounds Maintenance activities at the Tabb Lakes Homeowner Association (TLHA) annual membership meeting.
  7. Attend all Board of Directors (BOD) meetings and present an activity report. If a BOD meeting must be missed, forward a report via electronic means.
  8. Surrender all correspondence, equipment, supplies, etc. to the BOD upon terminating Chair duties.
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