TLHA Welcome Committee

Specific Committee duties:

  1. With the help of Victory Community Management and the Board of Directors (BOD) monitor the status of homes for sale in the neighborhood.
  2. After house contracts have closed, attempt to learn the new owners names and expected date of arrival.
  3. After new homeowners have moved in, deliver a welcome basket.
  4. Keep accurate records of committee activities.
  5. Prepare an annual budget for the Welcoming Committee.
  6. Present a briefing on Welcoming Committee activities at the Tabb Lakes Homeowner Assocation (TLHA) annual membership meeting.
  7. Attend all BOD meetings and present a Committee report. If a BOD meeting must be missed, forward a committee report via electronic means.
  8. Surrender all committee correspondence, equipment, supplies, etc. to the BOD upon terminating Chair duties.
© 2024 Tabb Lakes Homes Association