Stormwater Management Committee

The Tabb Lakes Stormwater Committee members monitor and ensure that the major drainage systems that support our community function properly to reduce the possibility of flooding of our homes and property. Committee members routinely check the condition of our major drainage systems and, when possible, clear our drainage outflow pipes, ditches, and emergency spillway. The Committee Chairman serves as a liaison with the York County Environmental and Development Services (EDS) and notifies the County staff of any problems that require their assistance in clearing areas designated as County easements. We monitor sediment buildup in street drainage systems. We also prepare our community for hurricane and other severe rain events by checking and, when possible, clearing our drainage systems before and after any major storm. Contact the Chairman for further information.

Specific Committee Duties:

  1. Monitor and advise the Board of Directors (BOD) on the condition of the major drainage systems of Tabb Lakes.
  2. When appropriate, prepare the area for hurricanes by checking and clearing the Tabb Lakes outflow areas prior to and after a hurricane rain event to mitigate flooding and/or requesting County assistance.
  3. When appropriate, check and clear blockages from the lake outflow area to mitigate flooding.
  4. Keep the walking path on the west side of Lake 1 clear for access to the lake outflow area. Monitor sediment buildup in the catchment areas along Bridgewood Drive, Leslie Lane, Tabb Lakes Drive and Gardenville Drive.
  5. Serve as the Tabb Lakes liaison with York County EDS and County Drainage Maintenance staff.
    1. Obtain County assistance in inspecting the downstream areas (beyond outflow area and Victory Boulevard) for proper water flow prior to hurricane season.
    2. Contact the County for assistance in correcting any drainage blockage found in County easement areas located in Tabb Lakes.
  6. Help educate Tabb Lakes residents on the importance of maintaining their property and community stormwater drainage systems.
  7. Keep accurate records of committee activities.
  8. Prepare an annual budget for the Stormwater Committee.
  9. Present a briefing on Stormwater Committee activities at the TLHA annual membership meeting.
  10. Attend all BOD meetings and present a Committee report. If a BOD meeting must be missed, forward a committee report via electronic means.
  11. Surrender all committee correspondence, equipment, supplies, etc. to the BOD upon terminating Chair duties.
  12. Monitor the upgrades to our drainage system completed in 2009 by York County EDS as part of the Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan. Determine effectiveness of adding the additional 24" pipe at lake 1 outflow and the 42" pipe under Victory Blvd.
Drain Pipes
spillway outflow 1 outflow 2
Emergency Spillway Added drain pipe under Victory Blvd Lake Outflow Pipes

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