Newsletter Committee

Specific Committee Duties:

  1. Prepare an annual newsletter publication schedule with proposed mail out dates. Newsletters are published 4 times a year.

  2. Give a deadline and collect all articles via email from other committee chairpersons and board members. Articles are due the Monday following that month’s BOD meeting the previous Tuesday.

  3. As articles are received via email, they are forwarded and reviewed only for content by President of the Board of Directors (BOD).

  4. After approval from President, format and edit all articles and any advertisements that are submitted, approved by Pres, and paid in full. Advertisement policies and forms are found on our Tabb Lakes web page. This is the only income for the newsletter: businesses NOT owned by a Tabb Lakes homeowner.

  5. Review paid advertisements from records to be sure the ad is paid for or if not, delete.

  6. A draft of newsletter in PDF format is sent to the President of the BOD for final approval for layout and proofread.

  7. Assemble a distribution list each year using the annual homeowner fee receipts for requests for soft or hard copies. All homeowners are encouraged to receive the newsletter from the Webmaster via email to save the Association money. Only those who do not have computer/email capability should request a hard copy. The Newsletter Editor maintains the distribution list for hard copies; the Webmaster, for soft copies. Throughout the year as properties are sold, these lists are edited using the Welcome Committee’s report which state the new homeowner’s preference in method of receiving the newsletter.

  8. After approval of the newsletter from our BOD President, send PDF copy to Sarah for printing hard copies using the distribution list mentioned above plus 10 extra copies to be given to our Welcome Committee Chairperson. This is the only expense for the newsletter. She gives all copies to the Welcome Committee Chair: the 10 for distributing to new homeowners/renters as he/she contacts them; he/she also personally delivers the hard copies using the distribution list.

  9. Send a PDF copy to the Webmaster for his soft copy email distribution mailout.

  10. Notify any companies who advertised in the newsletter how they may locate the newsletter on our webpage so they can see their ad.

  11. Present a short briefing on the Newsletter at the Tabb Lakes Homeowner Association annual membership meeting.

  12. Attend BOD meetings when possible and request articles for the upcoming newsletter.

  13. Surrender all committee correspondence and information to the BOD upon termination.

© 2024 Tabb Lakes Homes Association