Neighborhood Watch Committee

Specific Committee Duties:

  1. Coordinate with the County Sheriff’s office on Neighborhood Watch issues.
  2. Help educate Tabb Lakes residents on the activities of the County Neighborhood Watch program.
  3. Keep accurate records of committee activities
  4. Prepare an annual budget for the Neighborhood Watch Committee, if needed.
  5. Present a briefing on Neighborhood Watch Committee activities at the Tabb Lakes Homeowner Association (TLHA) annual membership meeting
  6. Attend all Board of Directors (BOD) meetings and present a Committee report. If a BOD meeting must be missed, forward a committee report via electronic means prior to the time of the meeting.
  7. Send information about emergent Neighborhood Watch issues (like a break-in, larceny, etc.) to TLHA Board president, and, if appropriate information about the issue(s) will be sent to all TLHA residents via Email.
  8. Identify crime trends obtained from York County Sherriff’s Office and include them in monthly report to the Board of Directors.
  9. Write an occasional Newsletter article on how to keep your family, cars and home safe Encourage homeowners to contact the Sherriff’s Office if they see something in the neighborhood that seems unusual or out of place, or that makes them uncomfortable.
  10. Surrender all committee correspondence, equipment, supplies, etc. to the BOD upon terminating Chair duties.
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